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Spring Cleaning

Written by: Alex Nelson



Time to read 3 min

As the days get warmer and longer, one of our favorite things to do is wake up our space with a deep, spring cleaning. Continue reading for some of our best spring-cleaning tips and our spring-cleaning checklist to make this year’s cleaning a breeze.

Our Best Spring-Cleaning Tips

Our number one tip for spring cleaning is to have fun with it. While some people find cleaning to be a chore, this type of cleaning should be exciting; open your windows (pollen and allergies permitting), blast your favorite music, and get to it!

Another thing to remember for spring cleaning: there’s no wrong way to do it. While we’ve outlined our spring-cleaning checklist below, you can choose to do as many or as few as you’d like depending on how much time you have, your budget for cleaning supplies, and your energy and motivation levels.

While not exactly cleaning-related, now is a great time to check and test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. If you can’t remember the last time you changed your air filters, go ahead and swap those out now. If your home uses a mini-split AC unit or air purifier, check and clean their air filters and replace them, as well.

Woman vacuuming her living room.

Cozy Earth’s Spring-Cleaning Checklist


  • Look at your coat tree or coat closet. Move heavy coats and outerwear to bedroom closets to make space for lighter sweatshirts, cardigans, raincoats, and umbrellas.
  • Vacuum, mop, and/or sweep the floors
  • Clean the baseboards to remove dust, dirt, and grime
  • Clean the windows and dust the blinds; launder the curtains
  • Carefully sanitize high-touch points, like doorknobs, front door handles, deadbolts, light switches, and banisters
  • Wash or replace your front door mat and/or rugs


  • Carefully wipe down the mirrors, windows, drawer pulls, doorknobs, and light switches
  • Empty any cabinets. Throw out old or expired products. Organize the items you’re keeping with shelving, baskets, organizers, or bins, and put them back in the cabinets.
  • Sanitize the tub, shower, toilet, and sinks. If you’ve used a humidifier recently, go ahead and sanitize that, too.
  • Vacuum, mop, and/or sweep the floors
  • Reseal the tile grout
  • Clean the baseboards to remove dust, dirt, and grime
  • Wash your bathmats and hang up clean towels
Cozy Earth hand towel folded neatly on top of sink vanity

Dining Room & Kitchen

  • Dust your furniture, lights, lamps, vent covers, windowsills, blinds, display pieces, and artwork
  • Sweep, mop, and/or vacuum the floors, including behind and underneath your refrigerator, stove, and tables
  • Check and replace chair or stool feet protectors
  • Clean baseboards to remove dust, dirt, and grime
  • Pull everything out of your refrigerator and freezer. Check all expiration dates. Throw out anything old or expired. Clean the shelves and drawers. Organize as you put your items back in.
  • Empty your pantry and cabinets. Throw out old or expired products. Organize the items you’re keeping with shelving, baskets, organizers, or bins, and put them back in the cabinets or on the shelves.
  • Wipe down and sanitize all counters, sinks, trim, tabletops, and other surfaces
  • Water your plants and deadhead any brown or dying pieces. Repot plants that have grown too large for their containers.
  • Deep clean your oven. Some stoves have a self-clean function. If yours doesn’t, you’ll need to look for an oven-safe cleaner.

Living Room

  • Carefully sanitize your remote controls, taking care to not soak or drench them
  • Clean the baseboards to remove dust, dirt, and grime
  • Sweep, mop, and/or vacuum the floors. Shampoo the carpet or rugs if it’s been a while.
  • Sanitize and organize kids’ toys
  • Wash pillows, stuffed animals, curtains, and blankets
  • Remove all couch cushions and vacuum the couch
  • Sort through books, magazines, movies, and music collections. Set aside some to donate or sell and make sure the rest are well-organized in their spaces.

Bedrooms & Closets

  • Dust your furniture, lights, lamps, vent covers, windowsills, and artwork
  • Sweep or vacuum the floors and under your bed
  • Wash and change your mattress pad, sheets, and comforter. Replace them if they’re old or worn out.
  • Scrub the trim and baseboards
  • Wipe down any mirrors, windows, drawer pulls, and doorknobs
  • Go through your old clothes and decide what to do with them. Note, letting them sit in your closet collecting dust should not be the answer!

Outdoor Spaces

  • Carefully sanitize your doorbell, doorknobs, door handles, and banisters
  • Wash or replace your welcome mat
  • Check and replace lightbulbs, as needed
  • Swap outside décor for the current or upcoming season/month
  • Knock down cobwebs (or call an exterminator to help)
  • Wash your patio, decking, and front porch areas

If you’re really feeling the cleaning bug, you can also wash and clean your car (including the kids’ car seat areas!), trim branches and bushes in your yard, mow the lawn, and any number of other items on your springtime to-do list.

Disclaimer: These cleaning tips are our recommendations based on our previous experiences. Always turn off the power when cleaning near electricity. Do not drench or soak electric areas or items. Use caution when cleaning doorbells (especially if electronic and/or containing a camera lens). Cozy Earth will not be held liable for any issues that arise from cleaning anything in or around your home.


  • https://www.imperfecthomemaking.com/p/thorough-spring-cleaning-checklist.html
  • https://www.marthastewart.com/267295/spring-cleaning-checklist#toc-room-by-room-spring-cleaning-checklists