Creating a Minimalist Bedroom | Cozy Earth

Written by: Hannah Gardine



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Creating a Minimalist Bedroom

minimalist bedroom doesn't have to lack personality. In fact, minimalism could be considered a personality all on its own. While the word "minimalist" often brings to mind bare walls and a boring color palette, that doesn't have to be the case when you're creating your own minimalist bedroom. Read on for five tips for building a relaxing, minimalist sanctuary.

minimalist bedroom

5 Tips for a Minimalist Bedroom

1. Declutter: Similar to creating a hygge bedroom, you'll want to declutter and simplify your space. Remove items that aren't essential, like toys, books, magazines, photo albums, collectibles, etc. Straighten up anything left on the floor and put things away out of sight whenever possible. A clutter-free bedroom is the most important aspect of a minimalist space.

 2. Prune your furniture: Is your bedroom overcrowded with nightstands, a bench at the end of the bed, an accent chair, a chaise lounge, floor lamps, dressers, and more? Do you really need all of it? If not, consider moving some furniture items to other places in your home. Can anything go in your closet? How about the hallway or the bonus room? We know storage space is important, but when you're creating a minimalist bedroom, keeping only what's absolutely necessary is the way to go.

 3. Find a space for everything: While you're decluttering and moving excess furniture out of your bedroom, make sure everything you're keeping in your room has its own space. According to, you should "Clear off anything that should not be there all the time. If you are keeping something on top of a piece of furniture, make sure it serves a purpose." Don't keep cutesy things or memorabilia on top of your dresser; find a place to display those items that makes more sense. 

 4. Incorporate greenery: A serene, relaxing atmosphere is often even more relaxing with plants. If allergies or your lack of green thumb are a concern, consider high-quality faux plants that add a burst of bright green to bring the right kind of energy your space. While you'll miss out on the potential air quality improvement with fake plants, you'll still add an organic warmth to your space, which is the goal of adding greenery. If adding more to your space feels less minimalistic, consider changing up your wall decor to incorporate natural scenery, organic artforms, or pictures of plants instead.

 5. Prioritize comfort: Choosing high-quality bedding is paramount when you create a minimalist bedroom. Your sheets and comforter or duvet should be soft and inviting. Choose your favorite color (it doesn't have to be a neutral!) and limit the number of pillows to no more than four. Make it quick and easy to make your bed every day, which can start your day off right and lower your stress levels.

Creating a minimalist bedroom to improve your mood, provide a sense of calm, and make it easier and faster to clean your space isn't hard. You just need a little thoughtfulness and time to declutter, find space for everything, and prioritize your comfort.